====== Compress or Resize images in BASH ======
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
if [ ! -d ./output ];
mkdir output
for item in *.jpeg;
echo "Converting ${item%.jpeg}"
convert ${item} -resize 1024 ${item%.jpeg}.png 5
see more options: https://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php
====== Resize image to minimal rate ======
How about using ImageMagick's convertwhich has exactly such a minimal size option, see Image Geometry options?!
Copy & Paste snippet (bash syntax) -- please notice the ^ after the size specification:
for file in *.jpg; do
echo -n Converting ${file}...
convert -resize 180x180^ "$file" "th_$file"
echo done
In addition, if you want to crop the resulting file to a quadratic shape around the center, you can use this script. The SIZE parameter in the first line specifies (surprise, surprise) the final size of the thumbnail.
for file in *.jpg; do
echo -n Converting ${file}...
convert -resize ${SIZE}x${SIZE}^ "$file" temp.png
convert -crop $(identify temp.png | awk -F'[ x]' -v SIZE=$SIZE '{ printf "%ux%u+%u+%u", SIZE, SIZE, ($3-SIZE)/2, ($4-SIZE)/2 }') temp.png "th_$file"
echo done
rm temp.png
The script is not very optimized, as it runs two commands (identify and convert -crop) on the thumbnail. But as the thumbnail is only small, I think the speed is reasonable.
from: https://superuser.com/questions/676887/resize-image-to-a-maximum-size-on-command-line