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How to install Ionic Framework

  1. Install msysgit - You should select option “Use git from Windows command prompt”
  2. Install Node.js
  3. Install JDK
  4. Download ANT
  5. Extract ANT to c:\development\ant
  6. Install Android SDK Android SDK - Click “Download the bundle”
  7. Add system varibole “JAVA_HOME” to …where youv installed jdk.. ( How to set Java_Home )
  8. Extract bundle to c:\development\bundle-adt… (you can use for extraction 7-zip)
  9. Rename it to c:\android\bundle
  10. Add to PATH variable “;c:\development\bundle-adt\sdk\platform-tools;c:\development\bundle-adt\sdk\tools;c:\development\ant\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin”
  11. click start → run → cmd
  12. go to “C:\android\bundle”
  13. execute “npm install -g cordova ionic”

Create example:

  1. start cmd ( Start → run → cmd )
  2. Go to development folder
  3. ionic start myApp tabs
  4. cd myApp
  5. ionic platform add android
  6. ionic build android
  7. ionic emulate android
howto/install_ionic_framework.1400173951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/03 16:03 (external edit)
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